brain injury (TBI) is a common condition, constituting one of the leading
causes of death in the pediatric population and young adults. It is a global
health problem that produces motor disabilities, behavioral or cognitive
sphere. These traumas are the leading cause of death in children over one year
old and is also the cause of mental retardation, epilepsy and physical
disabilities. It also represents one of the most frequent causes of death and
disability in young people in our society. It requires immediate medical
treatment and, sometimes, it requires surgical treatment. Approximately 50% of
all deaths are associated with this trauma and this increases to 60% when it is
for a vehicular accident.
treatment and prognosis of these injuries has been modified in recent years
based on the introduction of new techniques. The aim of urgent attention to TBI,
regardless of severity, is to prevent secondary brain damage and identify
intracranial abnormalities requiring emergency surgery. The pathophysiology of
brain injury is classified into three types of injuries: primary, secondary and
tertiary injury. The primary lesion is the direct damage caused by the impact
of the trauma or the acceleration-deceleration mechanism, secondary develops as
a consequence of the primary lesion, developing bleeding, edema, hyperemia,
thrombosis and other secondary pathophysiologic processes and finally the
tertiary injury is the late expression of progressive damage or caused by primary
and secondary injury (causes neuronal death).
pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury helps to have a better understanding
of the different clinical manifestations of this type of trauma and its
consequences in the short, medium and long term, in order to develop an
appropriate therapeutic management of these patients. The diagnosis requires
studies such as x-rays of the spine and skull, monitoring of intracranial
pressure (ICP), computed tomography (CT), cerebral angiography, among other studies.
The general
treatment for an injury in the brain skull can lead any of the following
treatments: infusion of crystalloid solutions, maintaining a normal mean
arterial pressure, apply pressure to sites of active bleeding, emergency
surgery, if is necessary, reinforce cerebral perfusion and prevent secondary
brain damage, among other treatments. To conclude, the medical care it is very
Ortega, Jorge Eduardo. ""Trauma Cráneo Encefálico: Actualización en el Manejo Médico"." Revista Medica Hondureña 66.4 (1998): 147-153.
Cruz Benítez, Luis and Francisco Javier Ramírez Amezcua.
"Estrategias de diagnóstico y tratamiento para el manejo del traumatismo
craneoencefálico en adultos." Trauma Vol. 10.No. 2 (2007): 46-57.
Guzmán, Francisco. "Fisiopatología del trauma
craneoencefálico." Colombia Médica Vol. 39.No. 3 (2008): 78-84.
Ortega, Jorge Eduardo. ""Trauma Cráneo Encefálico: Actualización en el Manejo Médico"." Revista Medica Hondureña 66.4 (1998): 147-153.
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